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Thinkpad X61 and eComStation First Impresstions

2013-02-10 00:44:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Yury Larin published detailed review Thinkpad X61 and eComStation First Impresstions: Technical parameters, installation and setup of eComStation, installation of applications.


Additional information:

Advantages of eComStation: DOS VM, direct access

2013-02-08 11:46:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

One of eCS advantages - direct acces to hardware (ports), and virtual machine DOS VM.

Do you use this advantages?

Information about operating system, system setup

2013-02-06 15:30:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Question to the users: What system information do you query often? (for example, list of installed applications / user interface settings) what information you can't collect (difficult to query)? (example: state of hard disks)

What OS system settings to simplify? (example: reset of video mode / driver parameters) What control-levers to create? (example: memory management / parameters of video drivers)

If you have some minds (3-5 lines of text), post via web-form or post to the comments of this message.

Week of UEFI computers

2013-02-06 03:27:48 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Check the listings:

The users are posting new reports about new motherboards. This week is dedicated to collection of info about compatible/non-compatible motherboards. Our database contains 329 records only... Major part of the models are not manufactured anymore.

Post new reports using the web-form

Does the motherboard use UEFI interface? Does ACPI driver work with the motherboard?

Check this announcements one more time

2013-01-30 00:54:49 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Check this announcements one more time

Ciritical problems in drivers

2013-01-30 00:19:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Don't delay posting of bug-reports to the developers of device drivers. Here is the list of all bug-trackers: http://ecomstation.ru/projects/support/?action=bug-trackers

If you can't post detailed bug-report to the bug-tracker then post a short message to this announcement. We should prepare bug-reports bit by bit.

Several significant barriers:

1) eComStation can access 512 Mb of RAM only (altough you have installed 2 Gb or 4 Gb). This problem occurs on modern computers (Intel Core i3/i5/i7, UEFI motherboards, B57 chipset, etc.) One of reports. Do you have this problem? Post information about your computer model. Is it possible influence on this problem via BIOS setup?

2) Do you have troubles with video?

  • For example, you can activate 1440x900x65536 video mode, but 1440x900xTrueColor shows trash on the screen. Solution: (no solution)
  • Modern NVidia video adapters: You can activate needed video mode (larger than 1680x1050) but the quality of picture is poor (16:9 monitors; you see flashing / the picture is smaller than the dimension of the screen) Solution: NVidia DVI Scale filter -- Panorama VESA homepage

3) AHCI driver (SATA driver):

  • Does it work for you?
  • Does SSD drive work with this driver?
  • Did you had a crash of system which couldn't be fixed? (JFS filesystem, "OS/2 is unable to boot"). Collect more information (version of driver) and post to the bug-tracker. This problem may relate to JFS driver or AHCI driver.

Notes: This message is aimed to gather users with similar problems, combine detailed bug-reports and attract the attention of the developers to critical problems.

Invest into eCo Software

2013-01-22 02:31:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software is working on eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp market during 10 years. We are specialized in development of native software (or hybrids).

We have so many ideas how to improve eComStation. You can influence on the development and invest into short-term projects:

  • (PM) Replace old Message boxes with Modern Message boxes. To modernize eComStation it's necessary update User Interface. This improvement may refresh the desktop significantly. Experience: We have experience with replacement of File Open Dialog.
  • (WPS) Create new Task list (with large icons), so new users feel comfortable and understand what apps are running. Experience: We have updated Launchpad in the past (Piano Launchpad)
  • (SYSINFO) Migrate assistant - collector of information from old system. We see that users don't have time to migrate to new versions, as result they can't use the latest features. Experience: we have functions aimed to collect system information.
  • (LIP) Language Interface packs (LIP) are aimed to switch system to other language. Important to attract more people from different countries. Experience: We have created several LIP packs.
  • (NET) Improve VNC server/client, make it work faster, improve UI. so the admins can manage remote systems with comfort. Experience: We have experience with video drivers filters, VNC compilation.

Post your offerings via web-form

How to setup school class?

2013-01-16 14:19:18 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to prevent damage of computers by students?

PC Security (1995) http://hobbes.nmsu.edu/h-search.php?key=pc+security&pushbutton=Search no registration key

Security/2 - very complex

New eComStation/OS/2 Warp web-sites

2013-01-09 23:58:37 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eComStation.RU is interested to support *new* eCS/OS/2 web-sites.

Are you going found new web-site related to eComStation and IBM OS/2 Warp? We have collected some recommendations:

1) Always use pictures, logos and screenshots. Major part of old OS/2 sites show text information only. Today people need full-features sites: with good editorial text, with pictures and videos. Conclusion: add picture to every article to attract the visitor read the details.

2) Exchange links and banners with other eCS/OS/2 sites. Support small sites, show links to this sites. Support the developers of shareware software (the foundation of eComStaion market), show banners with Ad of eCS software. // The sellings of shareware for eCS don't increase because there is no exchange of commercial banners

3) What is your foundation? Do you have a "generator"? If you build the site alone, without foundation, copy&paste news from other sites then your site doesn't attract the readers. You should manufacture some unique products (applications, services or video product) and use the web-site as add-on to your product, the channel of promotion. // Several sites closed because couldn't offer unique news

4) Always allow comment the news and articles of your site so the visitors have interest to return and read the replies posted by other users. // Several new sites with articles were closed because the visitors couldn't comment reviews

5) Don't try to sort the data manually. Post the messages day by day, add tags and keywords to every publication. // Several OS/2 sites died because the authors have spent all efforts to re-organization.

Zippy archiver, 7zip and EA

2013-01-08 03:15:42 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What to do if you can't extract archives? Don't worry, usually it's a problem of utilities, not archive files. Install Zippy and unpack archives of any size and origin.

Frequently asked question:

Q: Can I pack my files *with* extended attributes to 7zip?
A: Yes, of course, Zippy is able create 7zip and zip and store EA attributes. Extract files with EA from 7zip, zip and RAR.

Zippy 0.04.01, Whatsnew:

  • Fixed opening of Rar archives containing recovery records.

Do your relatives (children) use eComStation PC? We are confident that they ask you unpack the archives or press other buttons. Install Zippy to all computers around and take vacations.

NetDrive + with NDCrypt plugin

2013-01-08 03:14:53 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have collected all NetDrive plugins at this page: http://ecomstation.ru/netdrive

PMMaps - new version

2013-01-08 02:55:34 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

the 2-nd generation of the application is available.

(text is under construction)

How to change kernel of eComStation?

2013-01-08 02:52:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We have collected many Warpin packages in eCo Market.

For example, there are all versions of the kernels. Easy to select and install needed version.

eComStation: ski season!

2013-01-07 02:53:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Mix of eComStation news:

1) All good users received a message from Santa (super-messages with news about eComStation / OS/2 Warp), all bad users stay without presents.


2) All users want install eCS from USB Discussion


3) Interesting article: 7 Reasons that Rexx Still Matters discussion: www.linkedin.com


4) Paul Smedley is discussing the porting of Gimp using Odin libraries.


5) Web-site related to Java apps and eComStation: http://joopn.home.xs4all.nl


6) New feature in old zip archiver - it it able to create unnamed directories, not visible from FC/2. Start command: zip arc .//dir/* and look at results


One more toy from the past:

eComStation.RU rules

2013-01-06 21:45:24 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Let's verify the rules of eComStation.RU site: Frequently asked questions and answers

  • Q1: Does eComStation.RU has censorship
  • Q2: Removing articles, reviews by request
  • Q3: Right of quotation
  • Q4: What streams of news does eComStation.RU generate
  • Q5: What is the budget of eComStation.RU site?

PM123 audio player, New version 1.35

2013-01-02 21:35:12 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]


How to use the program?

  • The general advice - build good structure for your music collection
  • Add audio files to the playlist and press Play
  • You can control audio player using remote control (some models are supported)


  • Now uses skin for playlist, playlist manager, bookmarks and equalizer windows.
  • Now you can choose how moves title while scrolling and its speed.
  • An attempt to implement of the cue sheet files support. At this moment only decoders which shipped with PM123 can be used together with cue sheet files.

Support the project:

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