НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

Comparison of native OS installer and XUL-based

TITLE: Comparison of native OS installer and XUL-based

DATE: 2011-07-07 23:27:16

AUTHOR: eCo Software
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........: 2011/07/07

eCo Software ....... ........., ..... ......, ... ..... ... eComStation: ........ (......) .......... ... .......... .. .... XUL?

.........: .. ......... ............ ............. ........... Mozilla ...-....... . ... ........... .... .... - ........ ...... ... ........ eComStation . ....... .... ..........

... ..... XUL-..........? ... .........., ....... .......... XUL (............ "...", XML User Interface Language) - .... ........ ... ........ ............ ................ ........... .. ...... XML. XUL ............... . ...... ....... Mozilla . ........ ...... ......... XULRunner. ........: wikipedia.org

eCo Software collected arguments to understand what is better for eComStation: Native installer or XUL-based installer?

Notes: We appreciate the efforts of the developers working on mozilla browser and components. Our goal is to prevent mistakes in the future and select right targets.

What is XUL-installer? Installer using XUL, XUL (pronounced "zool"), the XML User Interface Language, is an XML user interface markup language developed by the Mozilla project. XUL operates in Mozilla cross-platform applications such as Firefox and Flock. source: wikipedia.org

......... ........... . ........... XUL-........... .. ......... . ........ / Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of XUL installer if compare with native installer
Advantages of XUL / ............ XUL Neutrality / ... ........ Disadvantages of XUL / .......... XUL
1. ......, ........ .......... / Simplifies the development ... ....... ........ ....... eCS ..... ...... ........... ........ . ...... .......

High level, eCS developers add elements, insert texts. No need to work on visuzalization, programming of windows.

- -
2. ....... ........... . ....... / Perspectives in the future .... ........... ..... ....... ..... ... ... ........ ........ ............

XUL engine is powerful, it will be easy to add new features in the future

- -
3. ... ....... ...... / No other way - ... ............ ....., .... ...... .......... ......... ......... ............ (.... ............ .. ..... ...... ...... ... ...........). . .. .. ....., ... ..... .......... ........... XUL? -
4. ..... ..... ........ ... . ......?

Starting from 0?

- - XUL ..... ............ ...-.. .. ....... ...........?

XUL installer will not use existing eCS installer stuff. So.. we will spend years to remake all from scratch.

5. XUL - ... .................. ........

Usage of crossplatform meanings (XUL)

- ... .. .... ............ .... .......... ...... ... eCS.

The installer will be used in OS/2 environment only. So, this doesn't give advantages

6. Schemes concept (instead of Easy, Advanced) It's easy to implement with native installer
7. Translation of installer messages This will require much efforts and time
8. XUL - performance Slow installation on slow or embedded computers
9. Profit for developers of eCS software We must use native API and share results with thirdparty developers. If we don't use API then OS is dying.
10. Who will develop XUL installer The goal is feed eCS Dev Group. XUL installer will require thirdparty people.
11. Allows take packages from CD/Internet ''..... .. ........ .......... ....... ............ ..... ........?'' - .... ... ....... ... ..... ....... .... ...... - . ... .... ......... ... ...... . ftp.
12. All protocols are integrated in the XUL (........... ......... ...... .. ........... e-co: ...., ........ ....... .. ......... .. .... - ... 2 ... ..........
13. ... .......... ...... ........... ...... ........... ..... .......... . ........ ..........

The role of any installer is creation of controls, libraries

.... ....... ............. eComStation - ... . ... ..... .......... .............. ......... .........., .......... .... .. .......... .... ............., ..... ... ..... .... ..........?
15. Dependences dependence on mozilla/2 developers, etc.
15. Many efforts for short-term contact with user this is the third generation of eCS installer. Thoudsands of hours are spend to it although users run it during 1 hour per year.

........ ........... .. .... XUL / Screenshot of XUL installer


.......... / Conclusion

. XUL ........... .... ..... . ....... ...... ... .......... .. .... ...... .... ...... .... XUL . ......... ......... ..... ............. . ............ ....... . ........ .... ............. PM-.........


Test the program:

Compare the features of DVD/CD Toys with competitors.


Publish the success story of eComStation usage in business and office/home. Success stories



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