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2016/02 -- Updated drivers for OS/2

2016-02-17 15:54:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

How to find drivers?

  • arca noae website -> Account
  • Login ->
  • you see all subscriptions which you prolonged
  • click Order number and you see list of drivers

Arca Noae is supporting users via bug-tracker, which contains about 400 bug-reports and suggestions.

Interaction of Android and OS/2

2016-02-13 04:12:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [os2.guru]

Share your experience with other users how to connect Android with OS/2?

  • Data exchange
  • Writing SMS message on OS/2 desktop, but send it from Android device
  • Backup / restore address book
  • How to Download photos from Android smartphone / tablet

Query configuration of Thinkpad by TYPE

2016-01-26 17:59:47 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

When you buy a laptop or maintaining/repairing laptops, sometimes you want query configuration by TYPE (Model number).

Here is the Query configuration of Thinkpad by model number database

Status, 2016/01/26: information about 30 models

Add you laptop model and configuration if absent.

ACPI package version 3.23.01 released

2016-01-18 14:55:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Arca Noae, ]

Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'ACPI package version 3.23.01 released'

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of our ACPI Package for OS/2 and eComStation version 3.23.01.

This release contains the following changes:

  • Updated to ACPICA 20150930. ACPI 6.0 is now supported.
  • Documentation updates and corrections.
  • Fixed a problem which caused a reboot on some systems when a trap occurred.
  • Automatically limit to Virtual Wire mode on systems [...]

You may view the latest post at https://www.arcanoae.com/acpi-package-version-3-23-01-released/

We at Arca Noae would like to thank our development partners, bww bitwise works, GmbH and http://Netlabs.org for their continued contribution to the OS/2 platform. Monetary contributions to offset their operations costs may be made either through Arca Noae at https://www.arcanoae.com or bww bitwise works, GmbH at http://www.bitwiseworks.com.

Blue Lion, 1-st alfa versions

2016-01-15 04:53:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Arca Noae company reports that they have compiled the 1-st version of BlueLion OS, which can be deployed (installed) to disk (without GUI installer).

Screenshots of preboot meny

BlueLion - is an OS/2 distribution, release is planned to the end of 2016.

eCo Labs: Tasks for standalone developers

2016-01-07 20:35:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Labs offers develop some small applications:

  • 1) BANNERS: We offer create support of notifications for PM123 audio player. The code will be integrated to PM123. The player starts new track and the banner should popup with the name of artist and track title. (the mechanism of notifications is implemented, it's necessary create the template, select behavior and external view)
  • 2) DISKUTIL: SMART GUI. There is VIO utility aimed to collecy info about hard drive. GUI utility should capture the output, draw the table
  • 3) CODEC: Recompile IO Procs, (JPG, PNG, ..) (the codecs exist already. it's necessary recompile, remove MsgBox with errors)
  • 4) BANNERS: GUI for alarm clock. (window aimed to set date and time) the mechanism of alarm clock is implemented already picture
  • 5) SETUP: GUI to control RAMDISK. Simple operations to create/delete virtual disk

eCo Labs is a company of eCo Software. eCo Labs have collected several hundreds of tasks (customer requirements).

Update on Warpstock Europe 2015/2016!

2016-01-06 02:49:50 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

* First of all the video's of the Warpstock Europe 2015 presentations are being uploaded right now to the following new Warpstock Europe YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWVjvzVtMl_BA66pWtOeEoA

The upload is still running and should finish the next 12 hours or so. Warpstock Europe should have a video stream next year again. The VOICE organization would like to thank Udo Schneider from Munich *again* for this support to provide the video stream at Warpstock Europe 2015.

* Work is still ongoing to get the new website for Warpstock Europe up. Which I hope we can do over this XMAS weekend.

* As mentioned before. Warpstock Europe will be held on the 21st and 22 second of May 2016 in Cologne at Hostel where Warpstock Europe was also held in 2016. The rooms have been reserved. Lewis Rosenthal from Arca Noae has already confirmed he will be coming because last year he did not make it to Warpstock Europe.

On behalf of all the board members of OS/2 VOICE: Have a nice XMAS and a good 2016!


Roderick Klein President OS/2 VOICE

eCo Market 2016 update

2015-12-31 17:52:21 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New build of eCo Market is released. ecomstation.ru/ecomarket

eCo Market is a catalogue of applications for OS/2. (We are going rename eCo Market to "Selected Apps for OS/2")

eCo Market doesn't intersect with RPM GUI because it is distributing a) OS/2 applications, b) packed to WarpIn packages,

How to support eCo Market? a) notify us about updates applications, b) Buy Essentials subscription,

OS/2 Arrows: 6.1 Green corridor for small Solutions

2015-12-15 23:16:06 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

To extend OS/2 market and add 1 user, it's necessary sell 1 PC with OS/2 pre-installed. Seems that this new user will use this computer to make money (to use this computer as machine designed to fulfill 1 task ((aimed to earn money)).

Current situation: there are no conditions to develop new solutions, because for companies it's cheaper to buy Solutions based on Windows:

Windows PC:

  • 1) cost of Windows license = 0 USD, (The PC was purchased with Windows pre-installed)
  • 2) cost of application (point of sale, CMMS system, warehouse application) = N USD (example: 100 USD)

OS/2 PC:

  • 1) cost of OS/2 license = 300 USD
  • 2) cost of application, = N USD ($100)
  • 3) expenses to setup OS/2 = X USD (example: $50)

As result, there are no conditions to sell cheap (not expensive) Solutions based on OS/2.

If the cost of Solution is high (for example, $10 000) then the cost of OS license is not so significant and OS/2 Solution can compete by the cost. But we don't have companies which can create this advanced/expensive Solutions. (example, training machine to control Space ship).

How to resolve the problem? What is the direction of "OS/2 arrow"?

  • 0) The cost of Commercial license should be lower than Home/Personal license. (For example, when you buy 2 apples in a shop, you pay 1.0 usd per apple. If you want buy 1000 apples then the shop gives you a discount, and you pay 0.9 usd per apple)
  • 1a) Several companies should sell PC computers with OS/2 pre-installed.
  • 1b) OS/2 distributor should reduce the cost of OS/2 license for this companies. (ideal price: $20 ((equal to Windows cost)), more realistic: 30% discount). So the cost of OS/2 license is reduced.
  • 2a) The distributor (OS developer) should support (donate) the developer of Ready for Use Solutions so the developer can reduce the cost of software.
  • 2b) The distributor must promote the Solution at own homepage.
  • 3) The distributor should make expenses to support the customer.

What will change if implement this suggestions?

  • The companies are interested to buy more OS/2 licenses to reduce expenses.
  • New solution may be developed => The sellings of OS/2 will grow.

What happens if keep the situation as is? (use old model of sellings)

  • No new solutions => The sellings of OS/2 go down (because the sellings to companies which purchased OS/2 solutions in 90-th and 200x go down) => No resources to develop the system.

Previous publications:

  • OS/2 arrows: 2.1: What components to include to OS?
  • OS/2 arrows: 5.1. Banners exchange

OS/2 arrows: 2.1: What components to include to OS?

2015-12-03 01:39:46 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

A.1) It's necessary include to OS/2 as many utilities and extenders as possible. We talk about functions: service, disk, file utilities, .. software aimed to maintain the system. Basic apps for users, any drivers.

Moreover, it's necessary include all demo versions of commercial software. Those applications which are distributed with OS, have maximal sellings. The applications which are not included - are used by <1% of users. (The developer of OS is obligated create special conditions for the developers of commercial software, because they define the area of OS usage).

A.2) The users post the requests what functions to include:

  • Local system -> System setup -> there should be Device Manager, viewer of PCI devices. * Desktop, click on picture -> there should be Convert command in popup menu, new converters can be included to OS without discussions.
  • Programs -> Modern picture viewer should be included to the system.
  • Templates folder -> template of Address book, cards with personal information should be located there
  • System doesn't boot. The users want boot from DVD and start a Doctor to repair system. This utility should be created (or Safe mode)
  • .. [+] Add your requests (we expect to see 50 - 100 offerings)

A.3) By default all new functions and not visible (installed but not running) and popup by request of users.


  • No need to create objects for Music Converts applications. Convert function may be (hidden) inserted into object popup menu of audio files (objects)
  • No need to create 50 icons (objects) in Programs folder. There should be 7+-2 (5 .. 9) folders, which contain other sub-folders. And all dosenz of applications are sorted by this folders (categories)

A.4) Who manages the list of new functions? (modules which should be included to the OS) The developer of OS or user groups.

A.5) OS developer is publishing some requirements to new modules:

  • the utilities should me multi-language
  • quality: some requirements to quality
  • License to distribute the module with OS
  • (more)

A.6) Formula: How to detect, is it necessary include the module to OS or not

  • This utility / feature is important for all users? then YES
  • Is it system utility? YES
  • Is it WPS class? YES
  • Is it fix / patch for OS? YES
  • Is it front-end aimed to setup OS? YES
  • Is it must-have feature for any modern OS? YES
  • Is it small application popular among users? YES
  • SysInfo utility? YES
  • (more)

Previous publications:

  • OS/2 arrows: 5.1. Banners exchange

Thinkpad: configuration by TYPE

2015-11-23 00:19:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

As you know, Lenovo removed (or lost) description of largest part of Thinkpad laptops from own site. So you can't get information about laptops manufactured before 2010. (the same problem with other types of computers: ThinkCentre desktops, Ideapad laptops)

Here is the website: support.lenovo.com

In the past you could input TYPE (Model) number and get configuration string. Example:

TYPE: 4174-P4G

i7-2620M(2.7GHz) 4GB RAM 160GB Solid State Drive 14in 1600x900 LCD 1GB Nvidia N12P-NS2 CDRW/DVDRW Intel 802.11agn wireless WWAN Bluetooth 1Gb Ethernet UltraNav Secure Chip Fingerprint reader Camera 6c Li-Ion Win7 Pro 64


OS/2 users can help to other Thinkpad users.

We are collecting this text lines, to include this database to OS/2. Send us TYPE and corresponding short description of configuration via web-form

The listings will be available for all users and published on the site: ecomstation.ru/thinkpad

OS/2 arrows: 5.1. Banners exchange

2015-11-15 04:06:19 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

5.1. Banners exchange

OS/2 websites should exchange banners, links. One site should point to other OS/2 sites. Software catalogues, News sites, companies should be included to banner networks.

Past: Experience in the past: OS/2 Ring in 90-th. The users really were walking by several sites.


  • It's so difficult to attract guests to OS/2 world. If new user comes to an OS/2 site then we should show him links to other sites. Large websites should support smaller websites and pages of standalone developers.


  • The links to other sites should be placed on some pages of the site, not all pages. Online shops, press-release pages, etc can be free of banners.
  • The owner of site should have a choice and select from several banners networks.

Efforts: eCo Ring banners network: ecoring

How to verify if OS/2 is growing?

  • If large OS/2 sites link one each other then OS/2 is moving.
  • If no banners then the owners don't work for OS/2 market.

Configuring fresh OS/2 installation

2015-11-14 02:52:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What information about OS and PC do they user need when configuring OS/2, when updating drivers?

What questions do you have? Scenarios:

  • 0.1 What network adapter do I have?
  • 1.A) Why video playback is slow? Do I have VGA driver or Panorama or SNAP?
  • 1.B) Why disk operations are slow? Do I have IDE or SATA controller? Does SATA controller work in IDE or SATA mode?
  • 3.A) All USB connectors are working or not?
  • 3.B) Does PC detect my USB modem for mobile internet?
  • 3.C) What are the params of onboard COM-port?
  • 3.D) Do I have audio adapter? (when no sound)
  • 3.E) What is the model of video adapter?
  • 3.F) ID (Vendor:Product) of devices?
  • 3.G) properties of disk #0
  • 3.H) Why USB doesn't work? Does OS see USB controllers?
  • 3.J) Why USB CD-ROM is not available? Does computer detect it?
  • 3.K) what is the video driver?! SNAP or Panorama?
  • 3.L) Do I have touch screen?

Middleton BIOS for Thinkpad X61, T61, R61, X300

2015-11-07 01:54:02 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to accelerate Thinkpad X61, T61, R61, X300 (activate SATA 2, etc)? Install custom Middleton BIOS for Thinkpad X61, T61, R61, X300. Download Middleton BIOS

IT websites about OS/2

2015-11-05 00:57:11 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Several large IT sites published news about OS/2

Participate in the development of OS/2

2015-10-26 02:43:32 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

There are some tasks for standalone developers:

  • we need a library aimed to get info about display, EDID information (C code, english output, start from commandline). Reward: X, Terms: X
  • GUI utility which shows SMART info about health of HDD. Reward: X, Terms: X
  • Create utility aimed to send SMS from OS/2 via smartphone (example: OS/2 sends message to Android-agent via tcp/ip, the agent sends SMS). Reward: X, Terms: X
  • Process video file. No details.
  • Imagine that users download address book from smartphone and get .vcf file, We need GUI utility aimed to browse this file in OS/2, ListBox, or page by page browsing.
    • some requirements

    Reward: X, Terms: X

  • Update Doodle screensaver -> Slideshow module. (implement random selection of pictures, use ecomedia instead of IO Procs, add special effects) Reward: X, Terms: X
  • Start the development of self-diagnostic subsystem for OS/2. Read related article: Workstation Diagnostics: The Doctor is In Reward: X, Terms: X
  • Continue the development of FrImage picture viewer old site of FrImage Reward: X, Terms: X

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