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New OS/2 version (distribution)

2015-10-24 02:17:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Arca Noae company announced during Warpstock 2015 conference, that they signed the agreement with IBM corporation regarding the development and distribution of new OS/2 version.

Code name (temporary) for new operating system: Blue lion

More details in the report from Warpstock 2015 (russian language)

Warpstock 2015 presentations

2015-10-11 02:50:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [blondeguy]

Warpstock 2015 is fast approaching. The list of presenters and sessions has grown, and now includes some time for participants to bring their own issues, questions and comments.

The main web page for Warpstock 2015 is here: http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=ws2015_home

List of presentations: http://www.warpstock.org/staticpages/index.php?page=ws2015_sessions

The list of activities will grow as we make last minute changes. This is the only gathering of it's kind in North America.

If you can't make it to Warpstock, we are planning to offer some on-line coverage. Last year, we were able to view the conference on smartphones and PCs, as well as take some questions.

Local OS/2 Support services

2015-09-26 03:44:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

One more mistake of eComStation: there were no Services Centers (in 20 cities of the world), so the engineer could come to the office of customer and configure OS/2. Or provide support to local customers using remote control. The interest of the engineer - to serve local customers in own city or region.

So (with 15 years delay), we can collect the list of the specialists which are interested to support OS/2 companies. Post links to the specialis / companies in the comments to this message.

Other mistakes of eComStation:

OS/2 Index: reviews

2015-09-24 14:35:33 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

One of important indicators of OS development - articles/reviews. We talk about technical articles, applications reviews, interviews with developers.

There were 0 articles about OS/2 in 2015. It means that the system is not been developed.

If you have draft articles, drafts of reviews - publish asap. eComStation.RU is interested distribute links to this reviews on other OS/2 sites.

OS/2 and PC-plus era

2015-09-24 01:02:01 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

As you know, Lenovo said that we live in the era of PC-plus. What does it mean? And does OS/2 has place in their world?

Lenovo and IBM: Stronger Together (this article is related to purchase of ThinkServer servers department by Lenovo from IBM)

os2.spb.ru is free!

2015-09-17 02:15:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

os2.spb.ru was an important web-site for russian speaking users. it was active since spring of 1998 till 2003.

Several years passed and now the domain is free. it was captured by cyber-squatter Ilia Krukover. The fuc@#$#@$ have requested several thousand dollars for the domain but dropped it because don't have enough resources to keep it.

What is the next step? Upload archive of original os2.spb.ru site or create new forum there?

Bootable USB flash disk

2015-09-12 04:22:07 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

One more attempt to start project "Bootable OS/2 USB flash disk". http://ecomstation.ru/usbboot

Main purpose of the project - to create repair USB flash disk.

The image of flash disk is legal because doesn't include some components.

We accept fixes and extensions from users.

Thinkpad, configuration description

2015-08-29 03:53:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Lenovo continues to improve own site, several monthes ago they removed information about old models of laptops so users can't find description of configuration by TYPE.

Model number = TYPE is written on the bottom of the laptop, in format XXXX-XXX. (If you see "XXXX-CTO", then search ProductID)

How to find the hardware configuration in Internet? For example, TYPE 6457-W8G ? search: google -> 6457-W8G intel -> you can find bits of information in the forums, in online shops. Find T7300 (2.0GHz), resolution, etc. Example of configuration: 14.1 SXGA+ (1400x1050), Core2 Duo T7500 (2.2GHz), 2048MB, 160GB, DVD?RW, 6cell Li-Ion, Quadro NVS 140M 128MB, Gigabit LAN, WiFi 802.11b/g/n, BT, FPR, 4-in-1, XP Pro

We are collecting this text lines, to include this database to OS/2. Send us TYPE and corresponding short description of configuration via web-form

The listings will be available for all users and published on the site: ecomstation.ru/thinkpad

DVD/CD Toys, save audio tracks!

2015-08-28 02:58:56 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

New utility is included to DVD/CD Toys.

Changes, 2015/08/21:

  • The DVD/CD Toys now has great and powerful tool that allows save and compress any of selected track of the audio compact disk.
  • Updated French translation, thanks to Guillaume Gay.

Create Boot Image

  • Correctly extracts boot images containing a boot information table.

Burn Files

  • Now allows to create boot information table inside boot image if it is necessary.


  • Core functions now supports the DVD_BOOT_TABLE option. DVDDiskInfo(), DVDSelectEncoder(), DVDEncoderInfo() and DVDSaveTrack() functions are added to the DVD/CD Toys core.

OS/2 Index

2015-08-27 01:21:16 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

eCo Software goes calculate the activity of OS/2 development and activity of users.

Please help us collect statistics, how many updates were released in 2015?

What GROUPS of information do we collect? What kind of data?

  • RELEASE - releases of OS, Fixpaks
  • BIGAPPS - large applications updated (large means HUGE, like Firefox, OpenOffice)
  • BARRIERS - significant fixes in OS
  • CONFERENCES - how many conferences were organized, are planned in this year
  • DRIVERS -- system drivers
  • WPS - WPS Updates / UI updates
  • REVIEWS - how many reviews / technical articles were published

Please post the data (your links) in Format:

  • Examples:
  • 2015xxxx -- DRIVERS -- ACPI driver was updated -- significant updates
  • 2015xxxx -- REVIEWS -- Review of technology is published here .. -- useful for all users

eCo Software is searching for investors

2015-06-30 02:35:27 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

We are collecting the list of projects which should be reanimated and completed: List here

What is the status of OS/2 / eComStation?

2015-06-15 01:24:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

What are the news of the last few weeks/monthes? what projects are under construction? what to expect during the summer?

We are going collect the messages and publish russian/english report "Status of OS/2 / eComStation, the 2-nd quarter of 2015"

OS/2: Make money

2015-06-12 17:52:29 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

How to earn using OS/2?

  • Install OS/2 to the computer of relatives, parents, children. Expected income: $1. The functionality of OS/2 is enough for major parts of simple users. (computer works fast + no viruses + simple user interface).
  • You can offer support services of OS/2 computers in your city (region). Step N 1 - publish your contacts on the page "OS/2 Professionals".
  • You can earn (economize) money using applications existing in OS/2. The applications which turn your computer into "machine", "work tools".

SystemLoad v1.0.2 has been released (2015/06/02)

2015-06-02 03:05:22 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

SystemLoad can monitor the status of various system components on OS/2 and eCS. It is a modular platform to display different data sets. The goal of this project is to provide a simple monitor tool for displaying dynamic information. The feature set can be expanded with the help of dynamically loaded modules. To create your own modules take a look at the available source codes of already present modules and the examples. Available plugins: CPU load, Drives information, Network activity, IRQ, Processes list, Network traffic

Download System Load utility: http://ecomstation.ru/systemload

More Essentials for OS/2 Warp: http://ecomstation.ru/essentials

MultiMac: Революция в драйверах для OS/2

2015-06-01 01:11:36 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Arca Noae]

OS/2 users with Arca Noae subscription have access to new drivers built using new technology.

The drivers for Ethernet network adapters are ported from FreeBSD operating system. In the past the drivers were based on Linux drivers.

Official announcement:

Arca Noae has posted a new item, 'New MultiMac NIC driver package (20150529) released'

Arca Noae is pleased to announce the immediate availability of a new release of our MultiMac NIC driver package.

More information about the MultiMac NIC drivers may be found in the wiki.

New in this release:

A new E1000B driver. This is the first driver produced using the newly developed library for porting FreeBSD drivers that was discussed at Warpstock 2014. The E1000B driver supports more chipsets than the E1000E driver. This driver is the first release, and is still considered experimental, however, testers have been using it for a few weeks with no problems.

Updated NVETH, E1000E, R8169 drivers. Although there are no changes to these drivers, they have been recompiled for this release. This means that any changes to the system libraries will also be incorporated into them.

As always, problems encountered with this version should be reported to the ticketing system. Simply log in with your Arca Noae credentials, select MultiMac from the list of projects, and open a ticket.

This driver package is available for download from the Arca Noae website as part of your Arca Noae OS/2 & eCS drivers and software package subscription. Please log into your account in order to access your software.

If you haven't yet purchased a software subscription, this is a great reason to do so now.

You may view the latest post at http://www.arcanoae.com/new-multimac-driver-package-20150529-released/

How to improve installation of OS/2?

2015-05-21 03:53:41 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [ecomstation.ru]

Every year ecomstation.ru site is asking users how to change installation procedure of the operating system?

  • Previous list of ideas: Improve installer
  • Of course, the installer should extract system from image (fully installed system), adopt files to target drive letter.
  • The users don't know what is the hadrware configuration, so the installer should show the list of devices, notify the user about compatible/incompatible adapters.

If you installed the system several weeks ago, share your minds with other users, how to improve the installation?

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