eCo Software / ECOSOFT / developer of software for OS/2

eCo Software / ECOSOFT / developer of software for OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 

ArcaOS participation  
As eCS developer  
Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




Arca Noae ignores the interests of eCoSoft and published:
  • Translation of the OS to russian language. Although eCoSoft is maintaining russian version of OS/2 since year 2001 till 2025. (eCoSoft have spend many efforts to create and update russian version of OS/2) ArcaNoae's version is different, we confirm that the terms and sentences are different. Conclusion: ArcaNoae's version is translated to "other" russian language.
  • Zippy
  • DVD Toys

The applications are based on FOC. So can't be cloned.

ecosoft libraries:

We don't see the clones.


It's impossible to replace our FOC.

PNG Desktop
eCenter widgets



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2024